i have been working on alot this month. some of which i cant currently talk about as it wouldnt be professional until its published.
but some stuff i can share is here. well some sketches anyway.
this was for a tutorial that i wanted to enter but didnt have time. its of the sword excalibar i'm thinking of moving the sword and adding a graveyard. but i'm thinking of finishing this soon :)

next up we have the beginnings of a self portrait. i wanted to get some crit before i startred painting it. firstly we have the photo i used for refrence. i know it has alot of shadows on it but i want to work on my light and shadow and its perfect for that.

next we have the pure sketch from refrence hopefulkly i've got the likeness.

next up we have made it more of a fantasy portrait using my face as the base for a female barbarian. there has been talk about going the vampire rout but wen i gave the sketch before i went in this direction pointy teeth i couldnt help chuckle or feel very silly. its a good i want to suck your blood pose... i think the hair still needs some work, and some removed from places :) no layers have been removed even those that arnt needed anymore so ignore the scribbly mess.

hope you guys like so far.