quick face study. i actually have 6 other face studies that are in progress however i'm using them to use limited colour pallets to colour them. will keep you updated. i'm still getting used to drawing in photoshop i am however enjoying it. this is also a rough for one of my comic panels :) though this one will change quite a bit as i want her in shadow so she's not as recognisable here :D this isnt the warden character. i need to build Leliana's face shape more right now its not looking much like her. luckily this is just a plan :D

I have been playing around in photoshop and while it will never replace my paints completely I am having a lot of fun right now. photoshop was something that scared me. i felt compleatly lost when trying to use it. i own a copy of elements so its not the best lets leave it at that. tutorials don't match it for example and features are missing. I'm hoping to get CS5. the price for photo shop is always off putting. right now i cant afford it. I'm hoping to raise the funds somehow though. just need to make a plan of action for it :)
still debating of whether to do it digitally or traditionally. i'm actually leaning to a mixture of both. any who time for lunch.
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