yes your eyes are not deceiving you i'm working on a digital painting. i wanted to try using the colour layer mode to paint. and originally i was gonna print it and copy it to watercolour paper that way but kinda got carried away. especially since i seem to be figuring stuff out about photoshop recently. i actually created a brush from a jpeg file today and feeling pretty pleased with myself. i've also figured out how to have 2 windows showing the same picture which is useful. she still needs work. its the warden character for my dragon age fan comic. still figuring stuff out and what not. i actually hope to start work on it soon :)

i actually have several chapters planned out already for it fully as well as bits and piece here and there for further in the story. i want it to look like watercolours. but here's the thing watercolour can be pretty slow. however i actually may have figured out a solution for it. paint the comic in grey scale watercolours and colour it digitally using layers set to colour etc. i need to research this a bit more though.
i'm also thinking of doing a name change from the defult wardens name neria to something else. i'm thinking Elida same flow so it will go with her surname and meaning small winged one which wardens symbol been a groffon and elves been smaller then humans is kinda fitting. not sure yet though.
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