man i have been busy with my next picture. its another traditional piece. i really need to get back to those digital pics but i cant resist my traditioanal mediums calling, there way to fun. i like digital too but i think i like traditional more, proberbly because i feel like i actually know what i'm doing with my traditional works. anyway it already has a title and is called winters lullaby heres a sneaky peak of one of the charecters in sketch form.
thats right fauns playing music theres 3 of them in total one singing, one playing the harp and one playing some weired double flute. hopefully its gonna be awsome. i'm recording it and making video tutorials for it. i think i should recorded it all first then edit it. i have edited most of the sketch to line art video together but so far i am not happy with it so its gonna need a re think. so i have decided to film all the colouring process then edit the thing together (in 10 min sections for youtube etc. of course... man i hate time limits so much sometimes. maybe i should use vimeo? i donno more poeople likely to see it on you tube.
next i'm going to talk about an artist i find inspirational called Michael Shapcott i clicked on his work because he was linking a video in his comments and me been me cant resist videos of art. and omg this was amazing. i have never wanted to paint so much in my life watching him paint made me want to paint. and i'm really looking forward to his next video.
this was the fist video i watched
this is the final piece. its called Onawa.

i found it interesting that he uses a rag to wipe some of the paint off, he also in some of his pictures lets the paint run which creates an interesting look. i used this technique on my sanctuary picture for the ice and it worked really well. it was really messy but fun. i may play around with that technique again :D
for more of his art work and his videos
anyway its late and i have work in the morning.
happy drawing/writing/whatever you guys do.
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