an ink doodle i did when sick
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
okay so the watercolours are done for this, unless i get some crit :)

originally i was gonna put some Knottwork in the background. i however changed my mind and are now planning of doing a mount for it with knot work on it and some pictures. like the mounts stephannie pui mun law does. my good friend phonicorn suggested i sghould mount my work and since this isnt the biggest piece i've done i figured i might has well get some practice. i have cut my windows out for the picture and realised that i need to get one of those slighnted mount cutters for the future. especially since i plan on mounting all mu origanals when i eventually sell them.

anywho i plan on dong something simular but not quite this on the mount for my Hiccup piece. lets see if it works :)
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
hiccup - hair in progress
more progress on my hiccup picture. it doesnt look like i've done much however his hair is taking alot of work. and is still not finished. it needs dulling in places and brown pushed in to the red along with some more shadows but its beginning to get there. i've also washed a mixture of sap green, cerulean blue and paynes grey over his clothes to knock the brightness back of the bright green. its still we so its reflective in places.
Monday, 6 December 2010
hiccup - skin and hair started
so skin and hair are beginning to take shape now. masking fluid has been removed and the base eye colour added... there errr very bright right now, they will be darker green eventually. this pen actually withstands masking fluid very well my technical drawing pens lift way to easy.
his hair is in the bases right now, raw umber, burnt umber and a few mixtures will be used to knock out the red as hiccup has more brownish hair with a redish ting then red hair. skin still needs fixing in places but hair and background will be finished first before i revisit it due to skin been easyer to do last for me... well the base comes early on but finishing the skin happens late on in the painting. have yet to knock the bright green out his top.
hiccup wip - shadows on the skin
more update on this. i think the green needs dulling... pale blue grey wash is proberbly the solution andthe fur still needs some shadows and what not put in place and dragging out into the background colour when i put that in. sjkin has shadows planned. need to darken the shadows in places think i'm gonna put in some dioxazine violet into the purple bits along side some more ultramarine violet and maybe mix some brown into some purple for the really dark shadows. unsure yet, its a work in progress. anywho the shadows are at least planned so nto the skin :)
Sunday, 5 December 2010
hiccup wip - painting the fur
Friday, 3 December 2010
hiccup - brush pen practice

donno why it looks fuzzy here the scan i did looks fine, proberbly the size of the pic ere. anywho enjoy
Thursday, 2 December 2010
ink scribbles
some free hand ink drawings. i'm trying to get used to this brush pen i own. most arnt brilliant but its a start.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
another sketch
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
cleaned up
okay finally got round to cleaning this up. lot more orange now. good to have a warm feeling picture from me for a change XD
next up i have decided to learn how to use a brush pen to ink with. i think it may make my line art more inteeresting. i eventually plan on trying a brush and brown in but for now i'm getting used to the flow and whatnot.
to practice this pen i have done some sketches of screen shots from the movie how to train your dragon. i wanted to practice drawing and this seamed like a good idea at the time. maybe it will lead to a painting of how to train your dragon not from the movie who knows. anywho out the sketches so far this is the most complete
i also need to get back to my mushroom glade painting. wiull hopefully have some more to show you by the end of the week :)
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
the tower work in progress
Friday, 5 November 2010
the tower
Sunday, 31 October 2010
at work yesterday we where asked to dress up. this year i went as a zombie and actually managed to get pictures for it... i will have to take pictures of my other costumes sometime. anywho after 8 hours at where i work my make up wasnt perfect however i wanted to get a picture to show you guys. maybe someone at work managed to get a better picture of me... humm.
also the back of the skirt which i made myself. i was going to make a top and cut the pieces out for it i just was stupid and forgot to buy the ribbon thati needed to keep said top together... ah well it shall be part of my christmas costume and i think if i can get the blood out i will re use the skirt. and add stuff to it.
happy halloween guys.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
mushroom glade (was dancing) wip 6
been a bit stuck with my mushroom glade painting, but hopefully will have gotten over that now. hopefully gonna paint add the colours for the faeries in next before i continue to add depth etc to the background.
quick ditital painting. may continue with this who knows, it was done to work some fustration at the mushroom glade painting

some background sketches. hopefully i will paint these. i dont know if you can actually tell what they are :D but this is how i start my backgrounds so we will see

and i've started my halloween costume for work. luckily the mock up is fitting right now :) which is good. found a sutible skirt patten to work from, still need to draft that but as long as i have a bases it makes it easyer. i need to by a old fashioned shirt and a rivit punch thing which i will buy when i go buy the proper fabric for this. i need to ask my boyfriend to get my sewing machine down and find the foor peddle >_> will look for that later. hoipefully will have a wearable mock up by the weekend :) go fabric shopping on monday and make the real thing tuesday and wednessday. hopefully i will have time to make a petticoat if not i will have to wear several skirts underneath for added poof. we shall see.
this is the top so far its gonna lace up down the sides. i will try and get pictures of me in the costume... sadly i'm camera shy so it may be difficult.
happy drawing/writing/ whatever you guys do
Sunday, 17 October 2010
mushroom glade (was dancing) wip 5
Saturday, 16 October 2010
mushroom glade (was dancing) wip 4
Friday, 15 October 2010
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
dancing work in progress part 2
okay my sisters pic isnt going so well and i wont get it finished in time. damn work *shakes fist* kinda sucks but oh well. this will just have to arrive late.

Sunday, 10 October 2010
finished landscape
still playing with levels and what not but this is pretty close to what it looks like. i'm kinda held back by my pc and need to steal my boyfriends to get the best out of my paintings. also i find it best to adjust levels and things in daylight. i might not be able to play with the levels for a couple of days as another painting needs work urgently and will be taking most of my attention.

Friday, 8 October 2010
dancing work in progress part 1
very primitive sketch on where i'm going with this image. still figuring out things and such. for some annoying reason these arnt looking brilliant as there very pixly i think it may be the size... anywho this is the layout i'm going for with my sisters picture.
my sisters birthday
so its my sisters birthday soon, real soon and i'm kinda bad at keeping track of time. so i've only just started pulling reference, figuring out the picture and what not. while i would love to be finished by her birthday, i don't think its going to happen. obviously the time where i need time to work on my art works offering overtime and i'm too poor to say no.
anyway so far i've done a couple of sketches. the concept is faeries dancing in a fairy ring, forest in the background. its going to be fun and something she will hopefully love. my sister likes faeries, she doodles them all day (still trying to convince her that anyone can draw but not succeeding) i used to do these studies. but i think these are going to be my bases for the picture i'm doing. the costume is going to change. i drew this to capture the movement i want in the piece.

anyway happy drawing.writing/ whatever you guys do
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