studying film and tv production is turning out to be the biggest mistake in my life and i'm feeling out of my depth at times. its like i'm trying to keep up with amazing artists but are drowning and getting further away. i feel like i'm not improving fast enough and its such a scary thought. i feel so far behind. people tell me i've improve with every picture i do but i don't feel like i do, i guess i'm concentrating on everyone been better then me rather my improvements. you'd think having my work in an art gallery at the age of 14 would have been an ego boast but i guess until i find my confidence which comes and goes, its not going to happen.
so the witches moon compition, it goes not so well got a week to go and i don't think i'm going to complete it, and of course it been my annual halloween picture that's not going to happen either at this rate. blagh. still gonna finish it even if i dont make the date on time. i need to stop pissing around on the Internet when i'm suppose to be doing digital art, i know i piss around because i think i'm crap but i'm not gonna improve if i dont get my head into gear.
so i'm gonna share with you my unfinished digital art today. .. all of which will get completed.

witches moon

i also have another sketch to update for you guys :D drawn from the lovely 's stock ^^

in other news work is going well. i have to make a costume to wear for halloween for it though. well i dont have to make but i'd rather make a costume, i like making things, you really feel like you have accomplished something when you do ^^. i'm gonna go as a cat. i'll post some pictures of it online :) gonna have to buy a patten or two, fabric, zips etc. i already have the foam, hair clips and fake fur which i'm gonna make the ears out of... no head band for me XD want a couple of giant bells but cant find any so far, maybe i should use a gold bauble and make it look like a bell. i can always take my little bells off my bag and attach them other places so i make the jingling sound. hummm i really should start that sooner then later... but fabric shops wont be open today... sigh. are well best get the planning and make the ear, tail and coller (except the bell) today. gonna go for a black and orange theme me thinks. i like dressing up to much and i put way to much effort into it. besides i need a costume for my boyfriends works Christmas party... just have to recycle it then XD.
anywho happy drawing/writing/whatever you guys do
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