i recently started a new sketchbook and decided to put my old sketches up here. hopefully i'll do better at updating the new sketch book unlike this one which has a lot of old work in it.
this is my oldest work, spanning from 14 till around 21. while its not all the work i have done in those 6 years it is the work i currently have access to. i am tempted to go rescue my
triptych and other works that my art classes from
high school didn't loose or the work my mother
hasn't thrown away. some of it
hasn't been seen even on deviant art and i think it would be good to compare my work from than and now in order to see my progress.

all of these pictures are published on my DA account
http://wildhaggisis.deviantart.com/ my scraps section. if you want to take a closer look at them feel free. i didn't want to concentrate too much on them due to how old some are. however there part of my sketch book (whether they have been drawn on other paper and placed in the sketch book for safe keeping or drawn directly in the sketch book)
the next picture is a
character sketch for my Elfin Lied picture which was done as a request. Sadly i was unable to contact the person who asked for this picture and it still remains in my care. I
don't if it but often draw fan art, and when i do i usually have to really like the
series. while elfin lied is a good
anime its by no means my
favorite. at the time of buying this
anime i was in the lets watch all
anime stage and
often buying
a lot of
series because they where on sale some of which i love, some of which i like enough to watch on rare
occassions and some of which i hate. elfin lied fell in the
category i liked it enough to watch again but not enough to go out of my way to. i think the fact i wasn't really passionate about the
anime effected the
overall piece and it could have been a lot better.
this sketch was then copied on to marker paper and after several ugly backgrounds in which didn't work i finally finished the image and settled for this. usually i don't plan my images however i ended up drawing in my sketch book this image which was suitable for what i wanted and because it was on the wrong type of paper for my markers i had to re sketch it onto other paper.
the next picture was started at a similar time to the elfin lied one but i finished this one a lot faster. every Halloween i try to draw a picture... often i fail due to at the time been at university at the time and not completing projects. this was done Halloween 2008. this is a lot of peoples favorite piece. apparently cute chibi's are well cute :D here's a quick process of the sketch to the final image. sadly i dint get any pictures of the actual colouring process, but you can clearly see my thought process and changes made from start till finish
the background was planned separately due to not having enough room and wanting to build up as you can see the sketch fence didn't make the final picture. i often find that its best to edit pictures as they go along as while somethings wok when planning, they don't work for the overall final picture.
colouring this was intersting. i used markers, watercolour and white ink for this one. i felt pretty experimental with the stars due to not all of them came out the same and because the watercolour was dam in some places some bled a little creating a brilliantly hazy effect round there edges.
my main disappointment with this picture now that i look back at it is the lack of shadow under the hat and cast on the pumpkin. and think if i was to do it again that the shadow needs addressing. however overall this remains still one of my favorite pieces of art. i want to do some more chibi stuff in the future. there fun to draw and if i was ever to illustrate a children's book this would probably be the style I'd use.
this is all for my old sketches so far, i'll keep updating them, hopefully soon! it will be fun if i can get hold of my really old stuff XD
happy drawing/writing/whatever you guys do.