i have gotten complacent with posting here. its not that i dont do art anymore on the contry i do. i infact are undertaking a big personal project as we speak its more i'm bad at updating at times. and this year i have decided to make that my art resolution. update my tumblr and my blogger more often. anyway in an attempt to get this blog upto date have some art :D
lets start by looking at the sketchbooks work. all of these are charcoal though techniques have changed by the last one ^^

now some work in progress for a watcolour piece. it was suppose to be for a weekly chalange over on the IFX forums that i failed to compleat. need to get back to this one and finish it. it is the sun tarot card.
digital works up next both sketches, work in progress and finished pieces. painter and Photoshop have been used here. i need to learn how to use painter more methinks. i'm going to order a book to help me. the portrait is defiantly going be finished that's for sure.

anyway thats everything i have on the pc and ready to show. gonna have to kick myself to scan some more of my sketch books... i ave a bad habit of grabbing the one nearest me and drawing in that. so there very al over the place.
anyway hay drawing/ whatever you guys do
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