scanning takes to long... so this is my sketch book and other loose work (except some watercolour squares i did to practice techniques... cant remember where i put them but i'll put them up when i find them. there probably in a draw some where. anywho so this is my work from beginning to end
drawn from life in 15 minutes

learning about the skull

drawn from life:- between 30 seconds and 1 minute

drawn from a photo in 1 hour or so

drawn from photo 3 -4 hours(i plan on finishing this one)

learning about how shadow falls on the face
learning about light and shadow, soft shading and cast shadows
using charcoal techniques seen in a video - drawn from life in about 1 hour

drawn from life 30 minutes to an hour (he kept moving)
watercolour on watercolour paper - drawn from life between 1 and 2 hours
(we had a tea break in there somewhere)

drawn from imagination using techniques from a video
(not fond of this one at all)

gesture drawing on train

practising face placement and bob kato's technique again
drawing animal portraits- mainly dogs, a few cats and a bear

i need to get better at placing eyes in a straight line, i notice that now that one eye tends to be higher then another. so i will be working on that. I'm also going to work on facial expressions... i have more sketches to update but there for another time
happy drawing/writing/whatever you guys do