i dont do much fan art. generally i dislike it because i feel uncreative. i'm struggling to find the motivation to finnish my roselina picture due to this. blah i really should finnish it.
anyway i ended up drawing dragon age fan art... i actually have another piece started. quite a big project in the form of a fan comic... 4 chapters of it written so far one page drawn... needs text addig though and 15 pages planned outy so far... what i'm a big fan. besides it doesnt hurt to draw other peopes creations for practiceing fitting your drawings around a fixed brief.... thats my excuse and i'm sticking to it.
oh and i have 2 post cards sketched out ready for tweeking and inking
anyway so here we are my warden Neria and Alistair.

Alistair: "Maker's Breath! What are these darkspawn doing ahead of the rest of the horde? There wasn't supposed to be any resistance here!"
Neria (Warden): "You could try telling them they're in the wrong place."
Neria (Warden): "You could try telling them they're in the wrong place."
don't know if i mentioned but i'm doing some art course at the moment. the illustration ones sadly got cancelled but i'm enjoying the portrait and oil painting ones... i like oil paints a lot which is surprising. still cant stand acrylic though...and i love watercolours been doing watercolour portraits and there so fun and relaxing. maybe more watercolour in the future for you. i'll have to scan all my work for this course and show you guys. will probably do that at the end though ^^.